Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves

People who cannot follow directions.

Men that read this page and say a woman with so many pet peeves has issues. That's because the man stating that is looking for a subservient woman who cannot think for herself and does most of the things listed on this page. Most of us all have the same peeves. I just happen to vocalize mine to avoid confusion.

People that can`t respect the fact that I am very blunt.

Men that insist on calling me "hun", "baby", or "sexy" as a name. I'm not an object. I am a woman with values and morals.

Men writing to me assuming that since they find me attractive that I am down for freakin. I am not. I am abstinent so don`t write to me and say, "I`m going to bein town. Hit me off to let me know if you are down with getting freaky. Maybe we could go for drinks." I am not a drinker and I respect my body as well as GOD!

People that say they want to know more about me when my link is provided above. That would be proof that men only shop on the internet as in a meat market and don`t read the label, only admire the package, showing a sign of ignorance. My profile pages are quite comprehensive and provide a general overview of myself and what my ideals are with respect to life, issues, friends, work, etc. Don't be lazy. Read.

Ignorance. There is no reason to not educate yourself.

Men that know I won`t have sex with them and they say they would refuse it if I offered, then 20 minutes later they say they want to make love to me.

Men that tell me I need sex. Why? Show me where it expressly states in the Bible that fornication is mandatory to live a happy, peaceful, successful life.

Men that tell me I need a man in my life. I am secure in my life that I need only myself and GOD. A man will always be third in my life and never first or second.

Men that are over 40 asking me out or the men that received their PhD or JD the year I was born, talking about how they want a pretty little wife like me to marry. Got two words: R. Kelly.

Men that say, "Don`t you think it is selfish to not want to offer a man a child?" Don`t you think it is selfish to ask a woman to go through the physical drama of carrying a parasite for nine months, go through bodily contortions, puke her guts out, get fat, and suffer from the emotional distress of child bearing? What about those opinionated DJ's at 102 Jamz stating they think it is only nine months and a woman should involve the man in her decision to carry this life. I don't see any of you missing work going to office visits every other week, missing six weeks of work after childbirth, having stretchmarks and suffering hormonal problems. Maybe those DJ's should educate themselves before they talk about things of which they have no first hand knowledge. I already have a child. What you are looking for is a servile, docile woman that will bend over backwards to be submissive and succomb to all of your "needs" so you can keep control over her by knocking her up and rendering her helpless and defenseless. How about you carry the child and see how well you handle it. Adoption. Ever hear of it?

Men that offer me the world just because they have an ulterior motive.

People assuming I am hispanic and I speak Spanish.

People that assume my roots are from the Islands that I must be into Hinduism and Carnival.

Women in clubs that give me dirty looks for my mere existence.

People that don`t make their children wear safety belts.

Idle conversation about NOTHING just because people feel uncomfortable with silence.

Small talk in elevators. Insincerity. Why ask about the weather? That is trivial and meaningless.

People that try and tell me how bitter and angry I am at the world. If we didn`t have to deal with racism, ignorance or people that just like to aggravate others then I wouldn`t be so hard core. It's not my fault you are uncomfortable with my. Newsflash, the truth hurts! It's a cold, cruel world we live in people. Deal with it.

Men that shop on the internet like its a meat market, pick out the pretty girls, write to them then not even send a photo. It isn`t fair to us that you know what we look like and we don`t know what you look like. For all we know, you could be some psycho stalker with our picture posted all over your walls. Been there, done that. It isn`t fun being stalked.

Men that write to me asking me to send them a photo. Why? So you know what I look like? Can you not see the photos on this site? An autographed 8"x10" is $10.00, a portion of which is donated to a charitable cause.

Ebonics. Get over it! Minorities, especially blacks, wonder why caucasians ASSUME we are all uneducated morons. Speak properly. It's all good. I speak it with my friends, but not because I don't know no better.

Manners. I used to be a bouncer at a night club. Some people leave their manners at home when they step outside. Stop giving racists a reason to look down on us! Right, Cherie Miller & Jimmy Pugh?

Men that write telling me, "I`ve been looking for you." "You are perfect." "You`ve been looking for me." "I fit every one of your qualifications." Well, now that you have found me, do you really know how to keep me around?

People that tell me I am racist because I prefer big, bald, buff, beautiful, black men. Some people have a thing for blondes. Some people have a thing for butts. I have a weakness for sexy, fine black men.

Stop writing and initially calling me "sexy" or "boo". I am a woman. Get it? I am a human being, not an object. Get a clue!

I am not your honey, sweetie, baby, boo, princess, sexy, or any other derogatory comment signifying that you think of me as an object. You want a name to call me? "Ice."

Use of ebonics or profanity is the sign of a weak mind which is satan`s workshop.

Woman who do not believe I do not have sex. Just because you can't keep your legs shut, doesn't mean I cannot.

People who assume just because a woman is a single mother that she engages in sexual activities. Newsflash, there are some women who conceived under circumstances beyond their control. Just because the others that do not understand are loose and easy, does not mean the all females are.

Males who say, "I'm going to be in town next weekend. Let's hook up." Translation: "I'm looking for a piece of @$$." My response, "I'm not tour guide Barbie. Call Heide Fleiss."

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