Monday, February 14, 2011

A little about the author of this blog...


Here's a little about me...

Thursday, November 4th, 2004
11:51 pm    
Here's a little about me...
Name: Ice. Is that so hard? At least it's not River, Portia, Jesus, Bentley, 2 Pac, Snoop Dogg...
Age: Over 23
Birthday: 12/12
Favorite Color: Purple

Match Experience:
"Flirt with me."
Sorry, don't do that. Girls use that tool to compensate for a lack of substance as they have no other resources to capture attention. It is a game.

"I asked you to flirt."
If you need to be flirted with, then you must have a low self esteem and need attention.

"Why are you single?"
Because I'm psychotic and was just released on parole. Really, how stupid is that question? It really means, "You are too attractive to be single. What's wrong with you?" I like being single. When a person can find spiritual fulfillment within him/herself, that is when the person can truly be happy with another.

"What do you do?"
I play on the computer to solicit people to annoy me. No, seriously, I'm a litigation paralegal, full-time college student, makeup artist, photographer, and volunteer.

"What do you do for fun?"
My photography and poetry are expressions of life and emotions. That is what I do for fun.

"What do you do when you go out?"
Movies, dining, dancing, miniature golf, that sort of thing.

"What motivates you?"
Me and GOD. I do not need external motivation.

"Why are you abstinent?"
Sex is not a requirement to sustain a healthy lifestyle. There are many diseases and such that can penetrate a condom. A few seconds of pleasure is not worth a lifetime of grief. In addition, I have not met the right person with whom I would like to share that spiritual bond.

No means no. Asserting my right to say "no" does not make me anything derogatory.

"Why do you want to learn to play golf?"
I've wanted to learn since 1998 because it is a sport that requires more mental ability than physical and a very strong discipline.

"Are you a model?"
Why? If I was not, would you still be interested? If I was, is that the only reason you are interested? That is the lamest pick up line ever! Everyone in Florida claims to have been a model at some point and time in his/her life.

"Why do you not want to have kids?"
There are so many problems with over population and homeless children that have been abandoned or abused. Why be selfish by not providing those children with homes?

"You're pretty!"
I know I'm not ugly, but I do not consider myself pretty so I feel 1) that comment is a lie, 2) it's a line, 3) it is indicative of your intentions, and 4) it shows you are not interested in the person, but only the look.

I am secure in myself that I do not need to be flattered. Anyone who needs flattery has a low self esteem. Whether or not you think I'm "pretty" or anything else, has no bearing on my life or my self-esteem. I like me. I am happy with me.

"Why are you so bitter?"
It's called reality, not being bitter. People who call me bitter have difficulties accepting reality. I am extremely blunt and I do not sugar coat anything. I know what I want.

"What kind of relationship are you seeking?"
I am looking to meet new people and make friends. The best of friends become the best of mates. I'm not looking for sex or a husband. I look around me at all of the females my age searching desperately for a husband. Not me. When the time is right, it will happen. Until then, it doesn't hurt to have lots of friends and enjoy life!

Stay tuned for more things not to say to me... 

Current Mood:  hyper

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